Hillsboro Police Department
Full Time - Work at Location Address
Added on: 04/06/2024
Step 1 - Eligible persons who are qualified and interested in applying for the positions must login and sign-up with the www.nationaltestingnetwork.com. Select Reserve Police Officer and sign up for City of Hillsboro Police Department. NTN testing must be completed and scores released to Hillsboro Police Department by the closing date of Sunday, April 7, 2024.
Step 2 - Schedule and pass the written exam with the National Testing Network. Minimum passing score for NTN is: Video 65%, Writing 70% and Reading 70%. Prior testing scores must be transferred to current process; contact National Testing Network (NTN) help desk: 206-428-3265, Monday-Friday 6am – 5pm, PST, and Saturday 6am – 2pm.
Step 3 - The City of Hillsboro/Hillsboro Police Department will review the applications of those who have successfully passed NTN and supplied a completed City of Hillsboro Application which includes a resume. Applications will be evaluated based on minimum and required work experience, training and skills presented in the employment application.
Step 4 - Applicants who successfully pass the application review phase will be invited to participate in the Oregon Physical Agility Test (ORPAT). If an applicant has run ORPAT and passed within 12 months of April 7, 2024 you will not need to retest. Prior ORPAT scores may be attached to your application.
Step 5 - Selected applicants will be invited to participate in other stages of the selection process including oral board interview and an extensive background investigation. All applicants will be notified in writing of the final status of their application.
Step 6 - Any applicant who receives a conditional offer of employment will be subject to passing a pre-employment physical, drug screen and psychological evaluation.
General Description of Duties
A professional, sworn position that performs law enforcement and crime prevention work including patrol and investigation; apprehension of criminals, preservation of peace and protection of life and property; enforces Federal, State and local laws; practices the principles of Community Policing; does related work as required.
Experience and Training
- High school diploma or equivalent, supplemented by college-level coursework.
- Some experience in law enforcement, military or other fields (for example, psychology, social service, customer service) that demonstrates desired knowledge, skills and abilities, OR
- Any equivalent combination of education, training, and experience that provides the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform the work will be considered.
- Be at least 21 years of age by the date of appointment.
- Possess or be able to obtain a valid State of Oregon Driver's License.
- Have a safe driving record.
- Be a United States citizen at time of appointment.
- Be in good physical and mental health as determined by a medical and psychological examination.
- Must pass an extensive background investigation and be free of felony conviction.
The Hillsboro Police Department Reserve Program is comprised of a group of volunteer citizens who are interested in serving the City of Hillsboro to make it a safer and better community. This organization provides both the Police Department and the community with additional resources, and it is comprised of a carefully selected group of community service oriented citizens who are departmentally trained to legally and competently perform the police function on an as-needed basis. Reserve officers may also be used to assist the Investigation and Records Divisions, and to perform any assignment, at the direction of the Chief of Police.
- To broaden the capacity of the Hillsboro Police Department and to handle both planned and unusual events, community disasters, and/or emergencies;
- To increase involvement in law enforcement by participating in police-oriented activities in a partial or limited capacity;
- To augment each division of the Hillsboro Police Department with members of a trained, non-compensated personnel pool;
- To maintain and improve the services provided to the community wherever possible.
Reserve Officers are volunteer personnel and may be dismissed at will. Reserve officers must meet the same basic appointment requirements as that of full-time police officers and go through the same selection process to include written test, oral board, extensive background investigation, and physical testing. The final phase of the process are medical and psychological examinations that are paid for by the City. All successful applicants will be required to attend a Reserve Police Officer Academy, which is generally held two evenings per week and several Saturdays over a five-month period.
Probation will begin on the day a reserve officer is sworn in and will be for a period of eighteen (18) months. The probationary period may be extended at the discretion of the Reserve Program Lieutenant.
Reserve officers are sworn police officers with police powers, including power of arrest, whenever they are on-duty. This authority is limited only to those times when they are on-duty. Reserve officers are equipped with the same uniform and equipment as full-time police officers of the Hillsboro Police Department. As a result of their function and role in the criminal justice system, reserve officers may, on occasion, be subpoenaed to testify in court.
The Reserve Program is commanded by the Reserve Program Lieutenant and coordinated by the Reserve Program Sergeant. They coordinate the selection of new reserve officers, training for all reserve officers, and the overall operation of the Reserve Program. The Reserve Program Lieutenant reports to the Patrol Division Commander, who authorizes the selection of new reserve officers.
A Reserve Liaison Officer will be a full-time police officer appointed by the Chief of Police to serve in this role in addition to his/her regular duties as a police officer. His/her duties will be to assist and advise the reserve officers throughout their involvement in the Reserve Program. Reserve Liaison Officers will work closely with and report to the Reserve Program Sergeant.
When working either independently or with other members of the Department, regardless of the task, reserve officers will respond to the direction of any sworn, full-time member of the Department, from the rank of police officer to Chief of Police.
Examples of Essential Work
All Reserve officers are subject to emergency call up. In case of emergency and/or disaster conditions, Reserve Officers may be asked to report to the station or other location as instructed.
Reserve officers are required to attend all scheduled Reserve training classes and meetings each month. They are required to put in a minimum of 16 hours each month.
Acceptable Experience and Training
Reserve Police Officer positions are non-compensated volunteer positions. Applicants must be 21 years of age by date of appointment, be a United States citizen at time of appointment, have a valid Driver's License, safe driving record and no criminal history. All successful applicants will be required to attend a Reserve Police Officer Academy to be held two evenings per week and several Saturdays over a five-month period.
Additional Information
The following standards have been adopted by the Hillsboro Police Department as AUTOMATIC DISQUALIFIERS from a police department hiring process. Additional information related to the items listed below or otherwise discovered through subsequent investigation may also disqualify a candidate.
Disqualifiers and Eliminating Factors for becoming a police officer in Oregon
****The below list is not all-inclusive; it is meant as a guide****
According to State & Federal Law - You cannot be a police officer in Oregon if:
- You cannot obtain a valid driver's license in your state of residence.
- You will not be a U.S. citizen within one year of being hired. NOTE: Citizenship application requires 5 years of residency.
- You have been convicted of driving under the influence of intoxicants (D.U.1.1.) within the past 3 years or have 2 or more D.U.1.1. convictions. A diversion or similar action is considered the same as a conviction.
- You have been convicted of Reckless Driving, Attempting to Elude, Hit and Run (Failure to perform the duties of a driver....), or Felony Driving While Suspended or Revoked within the last two years. DPSST has a 10-year look back period for which they review convictions to evaluate if a candidate will be approved for state police certification.
- You have been convicted of a Domestic Violence Assault.
- You have been convicted of a felony.
- You have been convicted of any crime involving controlled substances.
- You have a dishonorable discharge from the armed services.
Oregon will not certify as a police officer anyone who has been convicted of:
For complete details of disqualifiers to receive state certification as law enforcement - please visit the Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) website for
the Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) #259-008-0070 Denial/Revocation.
- ORS 162.065, Perjury
- ORS 162.075, False Swearing
- ORS 162.085, Unsworn Falsification
- ORS 163.408, Sexual Penetration with a Foreign Object 11
- ORS 163.411, Sexual Penetration with a Foreign Object I
- ORS 163.435, Contributing to Sexual Delinquency of a Minor
- ORS 163.445, Sexual Misconduct
- ORS 163.575, Endangering Welfare of Minor
- ORS 163.670, Use Child in Display Sexually Explicit Material
- ORS 163.684, Encouraging Child Sexual Abuse I
- ORS 163.686, Encouraging Child Sexual Abuse II
- ORS 167.065, Furnishing Obscene Materials to Minors
- ORS 167.070, Sending Obscene Materials to Minors
- ORS 167.075, Exhibiting Obscene Performance to a Minor
- ORS 167.080, Displaying Obscene Materials to Minors
- ORS 162.335, Rape Ill
- ORS 162.365, Rape II
- ORS 163.375, Rape I
- ORS 163.385, Sodomy Ill
- ORS 163.395, Sodomy II
- ORS 163.405, Sodomy I
- ORS 163.415, Sex Abuse I
- ORS 163.425, Sex Abuse II
- ORS 163.427, Sex Abuse I
- ORS 163.515, Bigamy
- ORS 163.525, Incest
- ORS 167.007, Prostitution
- ORS 167.017, Compelling Prostitution
- ORS 167.012, Promoting Prostitution
- ORS 163.465, Public Indecency
For the most up-to-date information on state certifications recognized by DPSST and to answer any other specific certification questions, please contact DPSST directly
The following standards have been adopted by the Hillsboro Police Department as AUTOMATIC DISQUALIFIERS from a police department hiring process. Additional information related to the items listed below or otherwise discovered through subsequent investigation may also disqualify a candidate.
1. Operation of a Motor Vehicle
Ability to possess a valid Oregon Driver's License. Ability to drive safely. Ability
to control a motor vehicle at high speeds. Ability to operate a motor vehicle in all
types of weather conditions.
A. Receipt of two or more moving violations within three years prior to
application may be disqualifying depending on the nature of the violations. A
moving violation for which there is a factual finding of innocence shall not be
B. Involvement as a driver in two or more chargeable collisions within three
years prior to date of application shall be disqualifying.
C. Conviction of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs within three
years prior to application shall be disqualifying.
D. Suspension of a driver's license once within the past three years shall be
2. Integrity
Refusing to yield to temptation of bribes, gratuities, payoff, etc. Refusing to tolerate
unethical or illegal conduct on the part of other law enforcement personnel.
Showing strong moral character and integrity in dealing with the public. Being
honest in dealing with the public.
A. Any material misstatement of fact or significant admission or omission during
the application or background process shall be disqualifying.
3. Credibility as a Witness in a Court of Law
Ability to give testimony in a court of law without being subject to impeachment due
to his/her character for honesty or veracity or due to prior felony conviction.
A. Conviction of two or more misdemeanor offenses under Oregon Law as an
adult shall be disqualifying.
B. Conviction of any offense classified as a misdemeanor under Oregon Law while
employed as a Police Officer shall be disqualifying.
C. Commission of any act while employed as a Police Officer involving
untruthfulness, falsification of any official report or document, or theft shall be
D. All male U.S. citizens and male aliens born after 1960 and residing in the United
States who are 18 through 25 years of age are REQUIRED to register with the
Selective Service. Failure to have registered is an automatic disqualifier.
4. Dependability
A. Missing any scheduled appointment during the hiring process without prior
permission shall be disqualifying.
B. Having been disciplined by any employer as an adult for abuse of leave, gross
insubordination, dereliction of duty or persistent failure to follow established
policies and regulations shall be disqualifying.
C. Having been involuntarily dismissed (for reasons other than lay-off) from two or
more employers as an adult shall be disqualifying.
5. Illegal Use or Possession of Drugs
The following types of illegal drug use or possession will be considered automatic
disqualification in the pre-employment selection process for police personnel,
with no exceptions:
A. Any adult use or possession of a drug classified as a hallucinogenic within five
years prior to application for employment shall be disqualifying. Any other
illegal drug use within the last five years shall be disqualifying.
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Meet the Police Chief
Planning, directing and leading the activities of the Police Department. The Chief assumes management responsibility for all police services including enforcement of laws, statutes, and ordinances; crime prevention, criminal investigation, emergency response, and any other law enforcement related activity. The Chief of Police engages the community in a collaborative manner to both deliver ... more services and build trusting relationships.