Published on: 03/13/2025
This news was posted by Oregon Today News
The act comes up so frequently because it is the legal foundation of modern immigration law, encompassing a vast range of regulations and procedures.
Trump has suggested that military action against Iran remained a possibility.
Letters to the Editor can be submitted to [email protected] with full name and place of residence.
Supporters say the bill is needed because Oregon is losing employees to California and Washington.
The deal covers roughly 6,500 workers in Nike's contract factories in Indonesia.
Facility fees charged for hospital care have grown more common for routine check-ups and procedures, consumer advocates say.
Amid a staggering budget gap, Portland leaders are again eyeing the city’s one-of-a-kind clean energy fund – still awash with cash – to help.
The minuscule increase reflects a slow birth rate and little progress in attracting new residents.
For years, Oregon ranchers have complained about wolves preying on their cows, horses and other animals.
Letters to the Editor can be submitted to [email protected] with full name and place of residence.
Thunderstorms Thursday could bring short bouts of heavy rain, hail or graupel, and gusty winds.
He founded Seattle’s first known Cambodian restaurant. He came to Seattle in 1980 from a refugee camp on the Thailand-Cambodia border after escaping the genocide of the Khmer Rouge.
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