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We Got the Eats!  
The quarterly nutrition newsletter from our Clinical Dietitian, Stephanie Shiu-DeLaRosa is now available!
We Got the Eats!  
The quarterly nutrition newsletter from our Clinical Dietitian, Stephanie Shiu-DeLaRosa is now available!
We Got the Eats! The quarterly nutrition newsletter from our Clinical Dietitian, Stephanie Shiu-DeLaRosa is now available! "In this issue we will delve into two food myths I have been hearing around social media. I have also attached a yummy plant-based recipe in line with LUHD Thrive longevity principle of plant slant to encourage consumption of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Let me know which food myth you want me to discuss in the next issue, I look forward to hearing from you!" -Stephanie Shiu-DeLaRosa, MPH, RD, LD, CDCES Link to the article available in the comments below.

Published on: 03/19/2025

This news was posted by Lower Umpqua Hospital District

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We Got the Eats!

The quarterly nutrition newsletter from our Clinical Dietitian, Stephanie Shiu-DeLaRosa is now available!

"In this issue we will delve into two food myths I have been hearing around social media. I have also attached a yummy plant-based recipe in line with LUHD Thrive longevity principle of plant slant to encourage consumption of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Let me know which food myth you want me to discuss in the next issue, I look forward to hearing from you!"

-Stephanie Shiu-DeLaRosa, MPH, RD, LD, CDCES

Link to the article available in the comments below.


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