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Southern Coos Health District Board Welcomes New Member
Southern Coos Health District Board Welcomes New Member
Southern Coos Health District Board Welcomes New Member

Published on: 02/28/2025

This news was posted by Southern Coos Hospital & Health Center

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Southern Coos Health District Board Attorney Robin Miller swears in newest board member Kay Hardin at the board’s Feb. 27 meeting.

BANDON – Bandon resident Kay Hardin is the newest Southern Coos Health District board member. Hardin was sworn in at the Feb. 27 meeting to replace former board member Norbert Johnson, who resigned earlier this year. Hardin joins board members Tom Bedell, Pamela Hansen, Mary Schamehorn and Bob Pickel.

Kay Hardin

Hardin (who is not related to the Bandon-area Hardin Optical family), was born in Chicago, grew up in Wisconsin and Minnesota. She moved to Bandon four years ago after retiring from a lifelong career in the nursing profession.

An RN, Hardin earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Indiana University. She has held nursing licenses and worked in various positions in seven states, including Florida, New York, Indiana, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Oregon.

Before retiring and moving to Bandon, she worked for 25 years at Sacred Heart (now Peace Health) Hospital in the Eugene-Springfield area. There, she enjoyed working in the hospital’s float pool, which positioned her wherever she was needed. She also worked for a few assignments as a travel nurse, with two assignments in New York City, one of those at Mt. Siani Hospital, which she said was a very enjoyable experience.

Also at Sacred Heart, she helped the hospital with its conversion to the Epic electronic health records system by training nurses. SCHHC recently implemented the Providence Epic electronic health records system.

A lifetime friend who owns a home in Bandon encouraged Hardin to visit, thus leading to her decision to move to the area. Wanting to stay busy, she began volunteering. She has helped with the Bandon Cranberry Festival, the community Christmas dinner, is an active member of the Bandon Rotary Club, has helped with Southern Coos Health Foundation events such as Women’s Health Day, Living and Aging Well, and the Golf for Health Classic, and volunteers weekly at the Southern Coos Hospital & Health Center Gift Shop.

Hardin lives in Bandon with her Labradoodle Kristta, who enjoys regular walks on the beach, and two cats that she adopted from the Coos County Animal Shelter. In her spare time, Hardin enjoys flower gardening and when she lived in Eugene, her garden boasted 28 rose bushes. She is a bit disappointed that she can’t get roses to do well in the coastal climate. “I have lots of wild roses, though,” she said.

Hardin also enjoys hiking and playing Mahjong and Bridge with friends. She decided to apply for the SCHD board because the board was seeking someone with clinical experience and she felt she could contribute.

“I thought I’d be a good fit,” she said.

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