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La Pine wildfire doubles as evacuations continue; containment at 30% $13M lawsuit claims Black Butte Ranch tolerated sexual hara...
La Pine wildfire doubles as evacuations continue; containment at 30% $13M lawsuit claims Black Butte Ranch tolerated sexual hara...
La Pine wildfire doubles as evacuations continue; containment at 30% $13M lawsuit claims Black Butte Ranch tolerated sexual hara...

Published on: 06/27/2024

This news was posted by Oregon Today News

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The Darlene 3 fire is being fueled by winds and warm temperatures and has spread into the Deschutes National Forest, fire bosses said.

Michael Woosley, a server for 38 years at the ranch bar, Robert’s Pub, was convicted of third-degree sex abuse last year.

The coin flip shed a light on a rarely-invoked Oregon law.

The high court’s rejection of a multi-billion-dollar settlement translates to millions that aren’t coming to Oregon any time soon.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday recommended a new round of shots for all Americans this fall. Officials acknowledge that the need for vaccinations is not as dire as it was only a few years ago, but there are still hundreds of COVID-19-associated deaths and thousands of hospitalizations reported each week.

Phillip Andryushin could have killed someone when he and two friends hurled stones off an Fairview overpass last June, prosecutors said.

The company says the new line will allow it to produce more lumber in less time.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump will participate in the first Presidential Debate of 2024, airing live from Atlanta on CNN.

The sportswear giant on Thursday released an earnings report that shows its turnaround plan remains a work in progress.

The new shelter will provide counseling, traditional healing practices, employment support and other services.

Oregon and Washington are under strict mandates to protect extremely endangered runs into the Snake River system.

County chair hails the spot as "strategically located"; Some neighbors not sure and others reserve judgment.

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