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Amid Oregon's worst flu season on record, there's still time to benefit from vaccination, March 14
Amid Oregon's worst flu season on record, there's still time to benefit from vaccination, March 14
Amid Oregon's worst flu season on record, there's still time to benefit from vaccination, March 14

Published on: 03/14/2025

This news was posted by JC News

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Oregon’s 2024-2025 flu season is the worst since OHA began tracking the seasonal virus 15 years ago, and it’s not over. People continue to be hospitalized with the flu, at a time of the year when Oregon flu activity traditionally begins to wind down. Late season surges are not uncommon, and Oregon's flu season usually lasts well into April, sometimes May or even June.  So if you haven’t gotten your flu vaccine yet this season, it’s not too late!  Everyone ages 6 months and older is recommended to get an annual flu shot, which can be found at your health care provider’s office, pharmacies, county health departments and many neighborhood clinics. There are also 87 School-Based Health Centers (SBHC) in 28 Oregon counties where students can be vaccinated at no cost, even if they don’t have insurance. Some SBHCs may also serve siblings, families and community members.  OHA data show that fewer people are getting flu shots; vaccinations are down 4% from last year and have been steadily dropping since 2022.  Certain groups, including older adults, young children, pregnant people and people with certain health conditions are at higher risk for serious complications from influenza. The hospitalization rate is highest for people 65 and older. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that, as of March 1, there have been 114 pediatric deaths associated with the flu in the U.S. during the 2024-2025 season. Two of those pediatric deaths occurred in Oregon. 

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