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WILD RIVERS MUSHROOM FESTIVAL To Be Announced, Portland-97217

This event is scheduled between : 02/11/2025, 10:00 am to 02/21/2025, 4:00 pm

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Over 200 Wild Mushroom Varieties on Display + Vendors + Food & Brew + Workshops & Lectures + ID Hikes The Wild Rivers Mushroom Festival takes place this year on Saturday and Sunday, November 9th & 10th in Brookings, Oregon, and runs from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm each day.   One of the highlights of the Wild Rivers Mushroom Festival is the main display, with over 200+ varieties of local, wild mushrooms that are collected and identified for festival goers. A variety of mushroom experts - both regional and national - will be offering mushroom-related workshops and presentations, tickets for which are available in advance and at the door. Topics for the workshops will include identifying, harvesting, cooking with, creating medicinal tinctures with, eating, and preserving wild mushrooms. Those speakers who are also authors will be available to sell and/or sign books. Mushroom identification hikes will also take place throughout the 2-day festival, with multiple hikes scheduled each day.   Admission to the festival is just $5.00 at the door and is good for either or both days. Kids 12 and under get in FREE to the festival AND can attend the various lectures, workshops and hikes FREE as well, as long as they are accompanied by a paying adult..   If you want to attend one of our workshops, hear a lecture from one of our visiting experts, or join a mushroom identification hike, TICKETS CAN BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE starting the Tuesday after Labor Day, or at the door the day of (note: general admission is included in the price of the lectures, workshops, and  hikes). We recommend you purchase in advance, as many of our lectures and workshops are popular and sell out fast!

Curry County Curry County Chamber of Commerce Brookings-Harbor


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