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Wednesday Business Connection (WBC)
Wednesday Business Connection (WBC)
Wednesday Business Connection (WBC) Networking
Wednesday Business Connection (WBC) The Mill Casino • Hotel & RV Park, Tremont Avenue, North Bend, OR, USA

This event is scheduled on : 03/26/2025, 11:30 am

This event was posted by Bay Area Chamber of Commerce (BACC)

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Bay Area Chamber of Commerce Wednesday Business Connection (WBC) is your place to network with the community and is open to the public!
WBC is held every Wednesday 11:30-1 pm, September through May

Come and enjoy a fabulous lunch and networking with other community members.  WBC sessions will be held in the East Salmon Room at the Mill Casino-Hotel from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.

The mission of the WBC forum committee is to provide an opportunity for business to network with each other, market products and expand their knowledge of the Bay Area business climate. The forums focus on the positive aspects of doing business in Oregon's Bay Area. Speakers and subjects matter include new businesses moving to the area, business expansions, and issues or items than can impact your operations


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