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BACC Legislative Actions Team (LAT)
BACC Legislative Actions Team (LAT)
BACC Legislative Actions Team (LAT) Bay Area Chamber of Commerce
BACC Legislative Actions Team (LAT) 50 Central Avenue, Coos Bay-97420

This event is scheduled on : 03/25/2025, 8:00 am

This event was posted by Bay Area Chamber of Commerce (BACC)

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LEGISLATIVE ACTION TEAM…The mission is to serve as an advocate for Chamber members and the business community regarding local and state issues impacting the quality of life, growth, and profitability of member businesses and their employees. The purpose is to increase the Chamber’s influence in the development of public policy concerning issues of critical importance to the future of the Bay Area and its businesses. Gets in on the action of the Oregon legislative session with bi-weekly legislator calls and helps shape local government decisions that will maintain a healthy business climate. Conducts candidate forums during election years. Has quarterly presentations at WBC. Meetings are held on the Fourth Tuesday of the Month, 8 a.m. at CB/NB/CH Visitor & Convention Bureau (VCB).

Bay Area Chamber Coos Bay Slp North Bend Charleston


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