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Welcome to Reedsport School District!

Our school district serves the communities of Reedsport, Winchester Bay, Gardiner and surrounding rural areas. We have a proud tradition of excellence in our two small schools. We encourage you to take some time and become familiar with this site. We hope you will use it often to gain information about our schools. As you read about us, you will learn more about our commitment to providing our students the opportunities to excel academically, socially and personally.

Jon Zwemke, Superintendent

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Opening Hours

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Friday 08:00 am to 04:30 pm

Meet the Owner

Profle Picture Reedsport Schools Owner

“Empowering individuals to reach their full potential and achieve their goals.”“We are an inclusive community, with heart, empowering all who enter our doors.”

Read what people are talking about

12/22/2021, 1:25 pm


Social Share 100 Ranch Rd., Reedsport-97467

04/10/2025, 5:30 pm - 04/10/2025, 7:30 pm

Board Meeting

Reedsport Douglas County School

Social Share 100 Ranch Rd., Reedsport-97467

05/08/2025, 5:30 pm - 05/08/2025, 7:30 pm

Board Meeting

Reedsport Douglas County School

Social Share 100 Ranch Rd., Reedsport-97467

06/12/2025, 5:30 pm - 06/12/2025, 7:30 pm

Board Meeting

Reedsport Douglas County School

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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have a...

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