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Vancouver aims to raise $210M to remove ‘forever chemicals’ from drinking water
Vancouver aims to raise $210M to remove ‘forever chemicals’ from drinking water
Vancouver aims to raise $210M to remove ‘forever chemicals’ from drinking water

Published on: 09/26/2024

This news was posted by Oregon Today News

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The city of Vancouver is less than a quarter of the way to securing enough funding to mitigate toxic “forever chemicals” from its drinking water by 2029.

This week, the city announced it has secured a $10 million low-interest loan to build PFAS filtration systems, bringing its collection of grants and loans up to $37.5 million. In all, it needs to raise an estimated $210 million.

Vancouver is the third-largest municipal provider of drinking water in Washington. It’s among hundreds of water providers in the region that need to reduce PFAS to comply with national drinking water standards, which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced this spring. They have less than five years to meet those standards.

PFAS are man-made chemicals that don’t break down, giving them the name “forever chemicals.” They accumulate in people’s blood over time, increasing people’s risk for cancer, high blood pressure and other harmful health effects that scientists are still studying.

Vancouver gets its water entirely from wells tapping into three underground aquifers, which are underground layers of rock and sand saturated in water. The city’s wells are divided between nine water stations. Of those, eight have exceeded federal PFAS limits in recent years.

PFAS were initially used in Teflon non-stick coatings in the 1940s, but lagging environmental regulations over the last eight decades have allowed them to make their way into a dizzying array of consumer products — lipstick, rain jackets, paper receipts, phone screens, takeout containers, yoga pants and shampoo, to name a few.

The chemicals flow through people’s bodies and into wastewater, or they can enter rivers and streams through firefighting foam and industrial plants, eventually seeping into drinking water aquifers and reservoirs.

Vancouver water officials say they’re unsure how PFAS are seeping into the city’s aquifers.

“We haven’t been able to find a single source of industrial contamination of our groundwater sites and why PFAS is there,” Vancouver civil engineer Mehrin Selimgir said. “It’s really spread out throughout our whole system.”

PFAS treatment systems can cost tens of millions of dollars. After finding high PFAS levels in drinking water, some utilities in Washington opted to find other water sources. Vancouver officials say that’s not a viable option for the city, so they’re investing in filtration systems that use granular activated carbon to pull PFAS out of its drinking water.

“You can kind of think of it as basically a larger scale Brita filter,” Selimgir said.

The city needs to build filtration systems for eight water stations. It’s currently in the design process for two of them. Staff prioritized Water Station 14, which has consistently had the highest PFAS levels. Workers will begin construction of its filtration system by the end of next year. It’s estimated to cost about $12.5 million, which is being covered by a forgivable loan from the state’s health department.

Vancouver is also finalizing designs for the Water Station 4 project, which is estimated to cost about $40 million. The city has raised about $25 million in grants and loans. Construction will begin in 2026.

Vancouver public works spokesperson Nicole Walters said the city is seeking other sources of funding for the remaining filtration systems so water users won’t see increasing rates.

“There will not be a direct line of cost to our customers for the upgrades needed over the next few years to meet EPA standards,” Walters said.

Public water providers need to start testing for six types of PFAS in drinking water by 2029. Washington got a head start in 2021 when it passed a bill requiring regular statewide monitoring. Since then, at least 200 water providers have found PFAS that exceeded federal limits, according to state data.

Selimgir said groundwater appears to be most susceptible to PFAS contamination, as opposed to surface water from streams and rivers.

“At least in the state of Washington, PFAS detections have been across the board at groundwater sources,” Selimgir said.

Oregon has so far taken a more piecemeal approach, mostly leaving it up to individual cities and water utilities to monitor PFAS. During a legislative committee meeting this week, Oregon Health Authority staff said the agency has tested just 4% of its 3,300 public water systems in recent years. Of those, 23 exceeded federal PFAS limits.

Chemical manufacturer 3M started making payments to public drinking water systems this year as part of a multi-billion-dollar settlement. Payouts will continue through 2036. Walters said Vancouver is among the water systems in that class-action lawsuit. It’s unclear how much money the city will be able to access as part of the settlement.

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**Cómo prepararse:** Si estás en la trayectoria de la tormenta, sigue las órdenes de evacuación y planifica cómo mantenerte seguro. Esto debe incluir reunir suministros de emergencia, mantenerte informado con alertas locales y prepararte para cortes de energía.  
**Cómo puedes ayudar:** Las personas dependen de nosotros para recibir refugio, alimentos y otra asistencia cuando ocurren desastres. Gracias a los generosos donantes que impulsan nuestro trabajo cada día, podemos movilizar equipos y recursos rápidamente hacia las áreas afectadas por desastres y ayudar a las personas a recuperarse. Dona hoy para permitirnos ayudar a quienes más lo necesitan, cuando y donde sea que ocurran desastres:    
#Helene disaster teams are working quickly to mobilize, preparing dozens of shelters and moving truckloads of relief supplies in Florida and Georgia before Hurricane Helene makes landfall.   
Helene is expected to be one of the fastest intensifying hurricanes on record to impact the Florida Panhandle, bringing up to 120 mph winds, a 15-foot storm surge, and severe inlet flash flooding.   
How to Prepare: If you’re in the path of the storm, please heed evacuation orders and plan how you will stay safe. This should include gathering emergency supplies, staying informed with local alerts, and preparing for power outages.  
How You Can Help: People rely on us for shelter, food and other assistance when disasters strike. Thanks to generous donors who power our work every day, we’re able to mobilize teams and resources quickly to disaster-impacted areas and help people recover. Donate today to enable us to help those who need our help whenever and wherever disasters strike:  
**Red Cross**  
Nuestros equipos de emergencia están trabajando rápidamente para movilizarse, preparando docenas de refugios y moviendo camiones con suministros de ayuda en Florida y Georgia antes de que el huracán Helene toque tierra.  
Se espera que Helene sea uno de los huracanes de intensificación más rápida en la historia que impacte el Panhandle de Florida, trayendo vientos de hasta 120 mph, una marejada ciclónica de 15 pies y severas inundaciones repentinas en los estuarios.  
**Cómo prepararse:** Si estás en la trayectoria de la tormenta, sigue las órdenes de evacuación y planifica cómo mantenerte seguro. Esto debe incluir reunir suministros de emergencia, mantenerte informado con alertas locales y prepararte para cortes de energía.  
**Cómo puedes ayudar:** Las personas dependen de nosotros para recibir refugio, alimentos y otra asistencia cuando ocurren desastres. Gracias a los generosos donantes que impulsan nuestro trabajo cada día, podemos movilizar equipos y recursos rápidamente hacia las áreas afectadas por desastres y ayudar a las personas a recuperarse. Dona hoy para permitirnos ayudar a quienes más lo necesitan, cuando y donde sea que ocurran desastres:    
#Helene disaster teams are working quickly to mobilize, preparing dozens of shelters and moving truckloads of relief supplies in Florida and Georgia before Hurricane Helene makes landfall.   
Helene is expected to be one of the fastest intensifying hurricanes on record to impact the Florida Panhandle, bringing up to 120 mph winds, a 15-foot storm surge, and severe inlet flash flooding.   
How to Prepare: If you’re in the path of the storm, please heed evacuation orders and plan how you will stay safe. This should include gathering emergency supplies, staying informed with local alerts, and preparing for power outages.  
How You Can Help: People rely on us for shelter, food and other assistance when disasters strike. Thanks to generous donors who power our work every day, we’re able to mobilize teams and resources quickly to disaster-impacted areas and help people recover. Donate today to enable us to help those who need our help whenever and wherever disasters strike:  
**Red Cross** Nuestros equipos de emergencia están trabajando rápidamente para movilizarse, preparando docenas de refugios y moviendo camiones con suministros de ayuda en Florida y Georgia antes de que el huracán Helene toque tierra. Se espera que Helene sea uno de los huracanes de intensificación más rápida en la historia que impacte el Panhandle de Florida, trayendo vientos de hasta 120 mph, una marejada ciclónica de 15 pies y severas inundaciones repentinas en los estuarios. **Cómo prepararse:** Si estás en la trayectoria de la tormenta, sigue las órdenes de evacuación y planifica cómo mantenerte seguro. Esto debe incluir reunir suministros de emergencia, mantenerte informado con alertas locales y prepararte para cortes de energía. **Cómo puedes ayudar:** Las personas dependen de nosotros para recibir refugio, alimentos y otra asistencia cuando ocurren desastres. Gracias a los generosos donantes que impulsan nuestro trabajo cada día, podemos movilizar equipos y recursos rápidamente hacia las áreas afectadas por desastres y ayudar a las personas a recuperarse. Dona hoy para permitirnos ayudar a quienes más lo necesitan, cuando y donde sea que ocurran desastres: #Helene disaster teams are working quickly to mobilize, preparing dozens of shelters and moving truckloads of relief supplies in Florida and Georgia before Hurricane Helene makes landfall. Helene is expected to be one of the fastest intensifying hurricanes on record to impact the Florida Panhandle, bringing up to 120 mph winds, a 15-foot storm surge, and severe inlet flash flooding. How to Prepare: If you’re in the path of the storm, please heed evacuation orders and plan how you will stay safe. This should include gathering emergency supplies, staying informed with local alerts, and preparing for power outages. How You Can Help: People rely on us for shelter, food and other assistance when disasters strike. Thanks to generous donors who power our work every day, we’re able to mobilize teams and resources quickly to disaster-impacted areas and help people recover. Donate today to enable us to help those who need our help whenever and wherever disasters strike: #Helene


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