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Happy 4th of July! Whatever your plans are today, remember to celebrate safely.  
✅ Practice firework safety.  
✅ Be respectful of others.  
✅ Be mindful of fires, grills, and activities that create sparks or heat.  
✅ Keep pets and children away from fireworks and other hazards.  
✅ Be mindful of the weather. Practice heat safety and use caution around water.  Swimming in cold water on a hot day can be deadly.   
✅ Don't drive if you're feeling funny. Don't dive if you are tired, have been drinking, or are medicated.  
✅ Know the address of where you are staying or celebrating so you can quickly call 911 if help is needed.  
✅ Know when to call 911 versus when to call non-emergency dispatch. 911 should be used for emergencies (which includes immediate danger to life, limb, or property) and non-emergencies can be reported to the jurisdiction's dispatch. This document shares more on when and who to call. The second page lists non-emergency dispatch numbers:
Happy 4th of July! Whatever your plans are today, remember to celebrate safely.  
✅ Practice firework safety.  
✅ Be respectful of others.  
✅ Be mindful of fires, grills, and activities that create sparks or heat.  
✅ Keep pets and children away from fireworks and other hazards.  
✅ Be mindful of the weather. Practice heat safety and use caution around water.  Swimming in cold water on a hot day can be deadly.   
✅ Don't drive if you're feeling funny. Don't dive if you are tired, have been drinking, or are medicated.  
✅ Know the address of where you are staying or celebrating so you can quickly call 911 if help is needed.  
✅ Know when to call 911 versus when to call non-emergency dispatch. 911 should be used for emergencies (which includes immediate danger to life, limb, or property) and non-emergencies can be reported to the jurisdiction's dispatch. This document shares more on when and who to call. The second page lists non-emergency dispatch numbers:
Happy 4th of July! Whatever your plans are today, remember to celebrate safely. ✅ Practice firework safety. ✅ Be respectful of others. ✅ Be mindful of fires, grills, and activities that create sparks or heat. ✅ Keep pets and children away from fireworks and other hazards. ✅ Be mindful of the weather. Practice heat safety and use caution around water. Swimming in cold water on a hot day can be deadly. ✅ Don't drive if you're feeling funny. Don't dive if you are tired, have been drinking, or are medicated. ✅ Know the address of where you are staying or celebrating so you can quickly call 911 if help is needed. ✅ Know when to call 911 versus when to call non-emergency dispatch. 911 should be used for emergencies (which includes immediate danger to life, limb, or property) and non-emergencies can be reported to the jurisdiction's dispatch. This document shares more on when and who to call. The second page lists non-emergency dispatch numbers:

Published on: 07/04/2024

This news was posted by Lincoln County Sheriff

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Happy 4th of July! Whatever your plans are today, remember to celebrate safely.

✅ Practice firework safety.
✅ Be respectful of others.
✅ Be mindful of fires, grills, and activities that create sparks or heat.
✅ Keep pets and children away from fireworks and other hazards.
✅ Be mindful of the weather. Practice heat safety and use caution around water. Swimming in cold water on a hot day can be deadly.
✅ Don't drive if you're feeling funny. Don't dive if you are tired, have been drinking, or are medicated.
✅ Know the address of where you are staying or celebrating so you can quickly call 911 if help is needed.
✅ Know when to call 911 versus when to call non-emergency dispatch. 911 should be used for emergencies (which includes immediate danger to life, limb, or property) and non-emergencies can be reported to the jurisdiction's dispatch. This document shares more on when and who to call. The second page lists non-emergency dispatch numbers:


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