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A program that helps Oregon farmers grow their businesses is looking for its next cohort
A program that helps Oregon farmers grow their businesses is looking for its next cohort
A program that helps Oregon farmers grow their businesses is looking for its next cohort

Published on: 09/26/2024

This news was posted by Oregon Today News

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Starting a farm, especially as a beginning farmer lacking access to capital or land, can be a challenging undertaking. One incubator farm east of Portland helps farmers overcome some of those challenges, and it’s looking for its next cohort.

The 60-acre Headwaters Farm Incubator program on the outskirts of Gresham provides affordable access to land, equipment and technical support to farmers who’ve been farming for a few years and want to kickstart their businesses, but lack the resources or support to get started.

In Oregon, the value of farmland has increased by 23% over a five-year period ending in 2022, compared with farmland values climbing by just 7% nationally in that time — the market value per acre of farmland can vary on whether it’s irrigated land, non-irrigated or pastureland.

Farmers are also aging out of the industry. The average age of a farmer is around 58, but few younger farmers, especially farmers of color, are replacing them. And there’s a wide range of reasons for that, said Rowan Steele, the program manager at Headwaters.

“There’s a need for land access and that is extremely high. We all know that farmland is incredibly expensive,” Steele said. “And if you aren’t born into a farming family, let alone even a farming community, like what is your route into agriculture? If that’s something that you’re passionate about and you want to pursue.”

The Headwaters incubator is a tax-funded program managed by the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District. Farmers usually get to stay in the program for up to five years.

There, they can rent a plot of land to grow fruit, vegetables, medicinal herbs or flowers while also receiving training on topics like best soil health practices or pest management. After that, they “graduate,” and tend to have a more concrete business plan and a network to continue their operations elsewhere, Steele said.

“The goal is that they are building their business, making the investments in the resources that they’re gonna need to continue to farm after Headwaters, building their markets, making sure that they’re reliable and really refining their production practices,” he said.

At its core, the program is preparing the next generation of farmers that will feed their communities while also creating a robust, sustainable farming system, Steele said.

“It’s what we need to see to feed our communities in a changing climate and with economic instability and all the other forces that make farming hard,” he said. “I think that we’re seeing a lot of passionate new growers. We’re seeing people rethinking what agriculture means, not just to them in their lifestyle and in their business, but in their community.”

The Headwaters Farm Incubator applications will open Oct. 1 and close Nov. 30. You can click here to learn more.

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**Cómo prepararse:** Si estás en la trayectoria de la tormenta, sigue las órdenes de evacuación y planifica cómo mantenerte seguro. Esto debe incluir reunir suministros de emergencia, mantenerte informado con alertas locales y prepararte para cortes de energía.  
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Helene is expected to be one of the fastest intensifying hurricanes on record to impact the Florida Panhandle, bringing up to 120 mph winds, a 15-foot storm surge, and severe inlet flash flooding.   
How to Prepare: If you’re in the path of the storm, please heed evacuation orders and plan how you will stay safe. This should include gathering emergency supplies, staying informed with local alerts, and preparing for power outages.  
How You Can Help: People rely on us for shelter, food and other assistance when disasters strike. Thanks to generous donors who power our work every day, we’re able to mobilize teams and resources quickly to disaster-impacted areas and help people recover. Donate today to enable us to help those who need our help whenever and wherever disasters strike:  
**Red Cross**  
Nuestros equipos de emergencia están trabajando rápidamente para movilizarse, preparando docenas de refugios y moviendo camiones con suministros de ayuda en Florida y Georgia antes de que el huracán Helene toque tierra.  
Se espera que Helene sea uno de los huracanes de intensificación más rápida en la historia que impacte el Panhandle de Florida, trayendo vientos de hasta 120 mph, una marejada ciclónica de 15 pies y severas inundaciones repentinas en los estuarios.  
**Cómo prepararse:** Si estás en la trayectoria de la tormenta, sigue las órdenes de evacuación y planifica cómo mantenerte seguro. Esto debe incluir reunir suministros de emergencia, mantenerte informado con alertas locales y prepararte para cortes de energía.  
**Cómo puedes ayudar:** Las personas dependen de nosotros para recibir refugio, alimentos y otra asistencia cuando ocurren desastres. Gracias a los generosos donantes que impulsan nuestro trabajo cada día, podemos movilizar equipos y recursos rápidamente hacia las áreas afectadas por desastres y ayudar a las personas a recuperarse. Dona hoy para permitirnos ayudar a quienes más lo necesitan, cuando y donde sea que ocurran desastres:    
#Helene disaster teams are working quickly to mobilize, preparing dozens of shelters and moving truckloads of relief supplies in Florida and Georgia before Hurricane Helene makes landfall.   
Helene is expected to be one of the fastest intensifying hurricanes on record to impact the Florida Panhandle, bringing up to 120 mph winds, a 15-foot storm surge, and severe inlet flash flooding.   
How to Prepare: If you’re in the path of the storm, please heed evacuation orders and plan how you will stay safe. This should include gathering emergency supplies, staying informed with local alerts, and preparing for power outages.  
How You Can Help: People rely on us for shelter, food and other assistance when disasters strike. Thanks to generous donors who power our work every day, we’re able to mobilize teams and resources quickly to disaster-impacted areas and help people recover. Donate today to enable us to help those who need our help whenever and wherever disasters strike:  
**Red Cross** Nuestros equipos de emergencia están trabajando rápidamente para movilizarse, preparando docenas de refugios y moviendo camiones con suministros de ayuda en Florida y Georgia antes de que el huracán Helene toque tierra. Se espera que Helene sea uno de los huracanes de intensificación más rápida en la historia que impacte el Panhandle de Florida, trayendo vientos de hasta 120 mph, una marejada ciclónica de 15 pies y severas inundaciones repentinas en los estuarios. **Cómo prepararse:** Si estás en la trayectoria de la tormenta, sigue las órdenes de evacuación y planifica cómo mantenerte seguro. Esto debe incluir reunir suministros de emergencia, mantenerte informado con alertas locales y prepararte para cortes de energía. **Cómo puedes ayudar:** Las personas dependen de nosotros para recibir refugio, alimentos y otra asistencia cuando ocurren desastres. Gracias a los generosos donantes que impulsan nuestro trabajo cada día, podemos movilizar equipos y recursos rápidamente hacia las áreas afectadas por desastres y ayudar a las personas a recuperarse. Dona hoy para permitirnos ayudar a quienes más lo necesitan, cuando y donde sea que ocurran desastres: #Helene disaster teams are working quickly to mobilize, preparing dozens of shelters and moving truckloads of relief supplies in Florida and Georgia before Hurricane Helene makes landfall. Helene is expected to be one of the fastest intensifying hurricanes on record to impact the Florida Panhandle, bringing up to 120 mph winds, a 15-foot storm surge, and severe inlet flash flooding. How to Prepare: If you’re in the path of the storm, please heed evacuation orders and plan how you will stay safe. This should include gathering emergency supplies, staying informed with local alerts, and preparing for power outages. How You Can Help: People rely on us for shelter, food and other assistance when disasters strike. Thanks to generous donors who power our work every day, we’re able to mobilize teams and resources quickly to disaster-impacted areas and help people recover. Donate today to enable us to help those who need our help whenever and wherever disasters strike: #Helene


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