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We are glad you are visiting our website to learn more about Rotary. As members of 66 Clubs in our District, we are dedicated leaders and business people serving needy individuals in our communities here and around the world to make them better, more peaceful, and more equitable places to live. We see needs in our communities, we solve problems, and we deliver solutions: “We are People of Action.”

Join and Connect with Leaders

Virtually every community in our District has a Rotary Club offering volunteer opportunities to serve others. Club activities, social events, and volunteer service projects offer networking opportunities that build personal and professional connections. We invite you to explore our Volunteer Connect opportunities on this website. Or contact us to inquire about visiting and joining a Rotary Club in your area. It is a great way to connect, meet new people, and make new friends.

Bringing your business to Oregon? Moving to a new job in Oregon? Be sure to take advantage of our Rotary Business Network to help your business connect with other ethical and trust worthy businesses and help your own business flourish:

International and Youth Service Opportunities

Our Rotary Clubs sponsor international Youth Exchange students, Global Scholars and Peace Fellowships. We offer opportunities for our high school age youth to participate in community service through a program called Interact and attend a leadership youth camp called Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA).

Members travel internationally to volunteer for global service projects and participate in Vocational Training Teams. Young professionals may want to participate in our Group Cultural Exchange to South Africa in April 2021. Rotary Club members can also participate in our Friendship Exchange programs to many parts of the world.

We would be delighted to have you join us as we Serve to Change Lives: “Step up to the plate, and help to make a difference in the lives of others.”


District 5110 Governor Gerry Kosanovic


Opening Hours

24/7 Open
Work Time

Meet the District 5110

Profle Picture - Community Plus - District 5110

The District leadership team comprises district governors and committee chairs. Its goals are to strengthen existing District 5110 Rotary clubs by helping to organize new clubs, promote membership, and expand Rotary International programs and The Rotary Foundation. District leaders provide regular communication, coordinate activities, encourage participation in club-sponsored projects and ... more

Read what people are talking about

04/11/2022, 10:16 am


01/05/2022, 8:04 pm

Have you ever proposed a new idea only to be met with the dreaded response Weve always don... More


This is a great opportunity to attend RIs Convention its so close you can practically rid... More


Local Rotarians and film enthusiasts Warren and Kathryn Beer invite you to join them for t... More


This is another update from our 20th District sponsored Rotary Peace Fellow Upendo Chitink... More


You are invited to go to Kenya with us for the evening Join your friends and fellow Rotari... More


A large contingent of District 5110 gathered at the Riverhouse Convention Center in Bend t... More


Join us for a night of food LIVE music drinks raffles dancing and fun Lets make it a night... More


Districts can nominate a member who has performed service in all five Avenues of Service f... More


Eugene Southtwne Rotary President-Elect Sylvia Ryan had the unique opportunity for a deep ... More


The next Siskiyou Scenic Bicycle Tour takes place May 17-18th in Yreka CA This event has b... More


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