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The Boys & Girls Club of Southwestern Oregon is dedicated to assisting all youth to achieve their fullest potential by enhancing their self-esteem, providing positive role models, and by helping them to develop the qualities needed to become caring, productive, responsible citizens.
Provide a Club Experience that assures success is within reach of every young person who enters our doors, with all members on track to graduate from high school with a plan for the future, demonstrating good character and citizenship, and living a healthy lifestyle.

Kids sports youth volleyball basketball tennis gymnastic after-school pickeball


Opening Hours

S M T W T F S All

Wednesday 10:00 am to 05:30 pm

Meet the Owner

Profle Picture Reyna Hernandez Owner

Denise Gould Chief Professional Officer

Team Tennis Year Round1.22 mi

Kids 6-18
Read what people are talking about

11/18/2021, 8:35 pm

A place filled with positivity and joy. As a former club kid and now a staff member I can say that this place has impacted my life greatly and for the better!

11/18/2021, 8:23 pm

A fun & wondeful place for kids! They live combing to the Club to be with their friends in a healthy & well supervised environmental. A safe & secure space for all kids!
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